The Menopause Rebrand: Portal Into Power

It's not enough to just balance your hormones during menopause. Discover how to optimize your mental, emotional and spiritual health during perhaps the most important transition of your life. Learn how to become your most empowered, embodied, dynamic and sexy self.

Together, let's stop the stigma and rebrand midlife and menopause to be our best years yet!



Licensed Psychotherapist • Yoga-Meditation Expert • Psychedelic Therapist

Ashley's mission is to reshape the narrative around menopause and help women thrive during this powerful threshold of initiation. Her 360º approach focuses on the needs of body, mind, psyche and Spirit. Menopause unexpectedly sent Ashley into a "Dark Night of the Soul". Now, she wants to help you thrive and reclaim your power, voice, vitality and vision in midlife and beyond.




Stop the stigma.

Menopause is not a mistake.

Reclaim the meaning and magic of midlife.


What you'll learn:


The Menopausal Mind:
Proven Strategies for
Mental & Emotional Health

  • Implement science-based tools get immediate relief from depression, anxiety, overwhelm, loss of agency and self-confidence – common symptoms of menopause
  • Release lingering, unresolved trauma and core wounds with proven psychology practices & shadow work


The Yoga & Ayurvedic Protocol for Menopause

  • Design your personal protocol of "Menopause Hierarchy of Needs" to effectively partner with your wellness team and direct your care
  • Develop a customized antidote for the "Dosha Deficiencies" of midlife
  • Identify and cement the new habits of your upleveled lifestyle
  • BONUS: Restorative Yoga poses for Menopause & Sleep Solutions


Make Meaning & Disrupt the Beauty Myth

  • Dismantle your "Internalized Patriarchy" and Take a Stand for Vibrant, Pro-Aging in an Ageist Culture
  • Identify your "Legacy Vision", unmet needs and deepest desires to realign your life and live on purpose
  • Step into the Role of a fearless Elder, High Priestess and a "Wise (fucking powerful!) Woman"

“Thoroughly unprepared, we step into the afternoon of life. Worse still, we take this step with the false presupposition that our truths and our ideals will serve us as hitherto. But we cannot live the afternoon of life according to the program of life’s morning, for what was great in the morning will be little at evening and what in the morning was true, at evening will have become a lie.”

— Carl Gustav Jung

The problem?

The majority of support and education on menopause focuses primarily on the (crucial) physical needs of balancing hormones and optimizing a radically changing body and brain.

While this is essential – and the foundation of our care – we also need support for the profound psychological shifts, changing needs, identity and mental-emotional health challenges of midlife.

Peri/Menopause brings a host of psycho-spiritual-emotional struggles that need to be tended to with great care, time, attention and guidance.

Join us to explore a spiritual and depth psychological approach to crossing the threshold of peri/menopause with grace, power and wisdom.

Meet Ashley.

Ashley Turner is a licensed psychotherapist, has taught yoga and meditation for over 24 years, is a Priestess, presenter and psychedelic therapist.

After an IVF journey and birthing a miracle baby at 46 years old, she launched into a two year struggle with perimenopause resulting with debilitating depression, anxiety, loss of confidence, brain fog and insomnia (among other symptoms). This prompted her to dig deep into the science, psychology and Soul of midlife and become a Menopause advocate.

As a pioneer in holistic mental health, Ashley fuses yoga, meditation, breath work, neuroscience, ritual and psychedelics to create lasting change in her clients and students.

She has toured with rockstars, teaches Oscar and Grammy winners and coaches Forbes 500 executives. Her work has been featured in The Washington Post, Women's Health, Self, Health and Shape magazine, among others.

Menopause & Mental Health Expert Ashley Turner, LMFT

Her most recent venture, The Haven – A Yoga & Holistic Mental Health Membership, is changing the shape of online yoga and meditation by incorporating proven psychology tools, trauma resolution and group support.

Ashley has graced such lists as:

  • Top 100 Psychology Websites by FeedSpot
  • Top 100 Yoga Teachers in the United States by Yoga Journal
  • Top 100 Women to Watch in Wellness by MindBodyGreen